Snow Globe Cabin - Grades 5-6

Snow Globe Cabin - Grades 5-6

In this tutorial, we will sketch and paint a winter landscape inside a snow globe. Learn about proportions, perspective and aspects of a landscape. Paint with watercolors using the wet-on-wet technique and wet on dry to achieve different effect to give the illusion of glass reflecting.

Materials used:
9 x 12, watercolor paper, pencil, eraser, ultra-fine black permanent sharpie, large circle (plastic lid about 6”1/4), watercolors, water, paintbrushes (large, medium, small), salt, white acrylic paint.

Snow Globe Cabin - Grades 5-6
  • Snow Globe Cabin - Grades 5-6

    In this tutorial, we will sketch and paint a winter landscape inside a snow globe. Learn about proportions, perspective and aspects of a landscape. Paint with watercolors using the wet-on-wet technique and wet on dry to achieve different effect to give the illusion of glass reflecting.
